DairyMix Annual meeting


From Monday 2 October to Wednesday 4 October 2024, the ANNUAL MEETING of the DairyMix project was held at the Department of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (DiSAA) of the Faculty of Agriculture of Milan. The meeting was an excellent opportunity for discussion and sharing for the various partners participating in the project. Members of ATB, EMBRAPA, INRAE, NIBIO, NLR, RURALIS, TEAGASC, UZ and UNIMI met in particular. During the first two days, the preliminary results of the different Work Packages were presented and the next steps were discussed. Wednesday was the opportunity to spend time together and visit a dairy for the processing of Grana Padano and one of the Italian case studies. During the outing the group was supported by technicians from the Regional Breeders Association of Lombardy and by the breeders involved in the Italian case studies.

Thanks to everyone who participated.

(Picture Grete H M Jộrgensen)